Emerge – Professional stage monitors |
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To create a musical performance, two things have to happen: your audience needs to hear you, and the performers need to hear themselves. If the performers can’t hear themselves clearly, how will they know if they are playing or singing well?


Stage monitoring is taken very seriously by top professionals and should be by anyone working right from the concert level down to club gigs. Good monitoring consists of having the right equipment, suitable for the nature of the venue, performance and operating it effectively.


Lloyd Lee Company therefore developed the EMERGE SERIES as a solution to the many challenges faced by performers and engineers in the live sound industry.

  • 700W AES, 2800W Peak,ProfessionalCompact low-profile design.
  • 80W 1.4 inch exit pure titanium, large format compression driver.
  • Superb frequency response. High Gain before Feedback.
  • Weather protected components and wear resistantergonomic cabinet design for out-door use.
  • Vented LF enclosure, bass down to 59Hz.
  • 1000W AES, 4000W Peak,ProfessionalCompact low-profile design.
  • 100W 1.4 inch exit pure titanium, large format compression driver.
  • Superb frequency response. High Gain before Feedback.
  • Weather protected components and wear resistantergonomic cabinet design for out-door use.
  • Vented LF enclosure, bass down to 50Hz.
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